Being a veterinarian, is not simply about having an understanding of anatomy and sickness, rather it is about having an understanding of true wellness
Monday 9-5
Tuesday 1-5
Wednesday 1-5
Thursday 9-5
Friday 9-5
Second Saturday 8-12

Stormi sleeping on the scale now after her puppy exam

Tuesday - Wednesday: messages and texts are monitored for med refills, appts and followup cases.
Please Call for Appt. 256-641-0610

We are a Special place taking care of Special people and their Special pets. Being special does not need money, does not need status, all it needs is love and care. If you love and care for your pets with all your heart, you are special in our eyes.
Our approach is Holistic, meaning we look at the whole body instead of concentrating only on the issue at hand. More than just treating diseases, we promote healthy lives and fulfilling relationships for pets and their owners.
One of our main goals as Veterinary Professionals is to teach clients about their pet’s health and illness. Being Gentle with your pet is our first priority; it always has been and it always will be.
We take our time to:
Hear what you have to say
Do a thorough physical examination
Explain our findings
Listen to your input
Devise a treatment plan and follow through with your help
Holistic medicine is nothing magical. It is not about rejecting modern medicine and choosing herbs and acupuncture. It is about looking at the whole animal and utilizing any tools that are available. As an example, the most holistic approach to treating Parvo is not to get the disease in the first place by getting timely vaccination.
It is about taking a thorough history
It is about understanding all of your pet’s life and circumstance
It is about utilizing any and all tools we have available to us
It is about minimizing harm along the way.
It is about broadening our views on how we look at diseases

Chronic Diseases
Our passion is treating chronic conditions like Arthritis, Allergies, Inflammatory Bowel issues amongst many other things.
Chronic conditions are complicated and require a large and ever expanding set of tools to deal with them. Pharmaceutical drugs are powerful and effective but overuse may cause side effects and reduce their efficiency. Our first goal is to stabilize the condition using whatever-it-may-take approach. However with time and improvement, we try to reduce the use of medications by using herbs, acupuncture, etc... We try to treat every patient that comes through the door by finding a solution based on their unique set of problems.
Click on the buttons below to take you to a particular disease and our approach to treatment.

“There is a difference between curing and treating, there is a vast difference between doing something FOR the patient and just merely doing something TO the patient” Otis G. Carrol (1879-1962)
Holistic medicine is not just about using herbs or acupuncture, it is about treating the whole animal.
We use whatever we think will help the pet most. That can be pharmaceuticals, vaccines, surgery, dentistry, herbs, acupuncture, chiropractic, homeopathy etc. This is more like "Integrative Medicine" that blends medications and nutrition, counseling, food preparation, environmental enrichment; all tools are used as appropriate!
Monday 9-5
Tuesday 1-5
Wednesday 1-5
Thursday 9-5
Friday 9-5
Second Saturdays 8-12
Call for appointments- 256-641-0610
In case of emergency,
please call: Huntsville Veterinary Specialists and Emergency Clinic at 800 Dr.Joseph E. Lowery Blvd, SW, Huntsville Al