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What vaccinations does my pet need and why? 

K9 Parvo

The most important dog vaccines are Parvo (it causes serious life threatening and possibly very expensive diarrhea) and Distemper (causes respiratory and neurological illnesses that are deadly). Standard of practice is to start the vaccination around 6-8 weeks depending on the mother’s vaccination status and risk factors. The law in Alabama requires all pets over 12 weeks of age to be up today on rabies vaccine.

Kennel Cough 

If your pup is going to be boarded or goes to the dog park, you may want to consider the “kennel cough” vaccine. Some groomers also require this. 

Feline Distemper

Cats also get parvo (called feline distemper). Vaccines are very effective for parvovirus in cats. Also the basic vaccines contain the vaccines for Herpesvirus and Calicivirus which cause upper respiratory infection. The American Feline Practitioners Association suggests that all cats (even indoor cats) get at least 2 doses of Feline leukemia vaccines. 

Vaccines are very useful tools in our toolbox. On its own, it is neither bad or good, it's how they are used! We prefer to use minimal vaccinations tailored to each pet’s specific needs. A dog who does not have an active social agenda (regular dog park visits, boarding or grooming) really doesn't need to be vaccinated for kennel cough.  A dog who never travels and lives in the southeast does not usually need dog-flu vaccines. So on and so forth.  

Some of our clients like to use detox after vaccines. We also provide homeopathic vaccine detox which may allow your pet's body to safely process the immunizations.

We can follow up on vaccines with Titer testing. Titer testing is done with blood. This blood test shows the amount of immunity to a certain disease. If the immunity  (titer) is still sufficient, re vaccination is not necessary.  Over the years the cost has been coming down. Testing for Distemper and Parvo titer is around $50.  Rabies titer gets expensive.

High Falls Holistic Veterinary

1103 Co Rd 359 Crossville, Al. 

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